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Writer's pictureInnovera Australia

Stuck in Traffic on the way to work today? Spare a thought for the team at the Factory.

Manage Workflow + Improve Productivity = Increase Profit.

It's a new week, Kids are super excited for School this week, being the last week of Term 1.

We leave at the same time almost each day, but the Traffic flow is always hit and miss. Some days you have an amazing run while others, you are watching the clock, hoping and reassuring the kids that we will make it to school on time. When there is an accident, everything just stops. Sound Familiar?

When we think about Traffic in our business, simply a part in a production environment, we quickly can relate to traffic jams forming in our business. Cutting more parts than the next stage can handle creates Traffic Jams (bottlenecks). Too many parts, exceeding the capability and capacity for that stage of production. Not enough parts creates the Stop & Start effect, inconsistent flow in the stages that follow.

Managing Productivity & Maintaining Flow is the key to increasing profitability. Traffic Jams in a business reduce profitability, steady balanced flow is the key.

But how do you manage what you cant measure?

Great Question, Digital Systems such as Planning Assistant & Production Assistant help provide a roadmap as well as navigational instruction having the ability to guide you, measure, record and update you on the status (completion to destination) priority's and the sequence in which task's need to occur. In simple terms, it monitors Traffic Flow to help you make better choices, this type of information can then be called upon in ERP Systems for for future Quoting (Estimate verses Actual)

Its important to note that ERP & MES have separate functions in a business, simply put that one is more focused on Operations while the other focuses on Production Execution. The great news is both systems are designed and intended to work together. Yes, it means that you should run both systems in a business.

When a job has been quoted & won, the various labor requirements are assigned to the tasks and stages to complete the Project, you may refer to this as breaking down a Project. To maintain profitability, everything needs to go to Plan.

Our Planning, Scheduling and Manufacturing Execution System's (MES) assist in keeping the traffic in your production environment flowing, reducing traffic jams to ensure the steps and stages of the manufacturing process are planned and executed with productivity in mind, reducing the guess work & maintaining budgeted profitability.

When you improve your productivity, you make even more profit. Productivity improvement will provide you with additional capacity. If you have the systems in place, you will be able to produce more work, allowing you to make even more profit.

Investing in Systems that boost productivity is the key to increased Profitability


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