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 Visibility of the Entire Production Line with Part & Job Tracking Technology

Production Assistant provides complete real-time visibility to all stages of your production line.

Our software gives you all the data needed to take action, manage your team and make the right decisions at the right time. Production Assistant is modular in nature meaning that you can focus on the stages that matter most to you.


Production Assistant can interface with your chosen CAD-CAM system, meaning that we can utilise your existing data allowing us to have a successful integration into your factory in days, not weeks or months. Find out how Production Assistant can help take your production to the next level.


Our Production System Interface is clean and simple. The detailed information includes Work orders on the left, Assemblies top middle and loose items from the assembly at the bottom. All information is extracted from the CAD/CAM System allowing us to share this through the various stages of the Production Line.

Production Assistant Interface

The goal is to create steady balanced flow through the production line with minimal bottlenecks. The Intelligence Dashboard is your guide to tell you real time information regarding the various stages of production. This can include important Key Performance Indicators such as balanced flow, bottlenecks along with BIG DATA analysis of manufacturing history for capacity planning.

Business Intelligence Dashboard

See real-time progress of work orders as they move through the stages of the production line. You can review the status of work orders or view by the stage of Production.

Work Order Status.JPG
DAMAGED PARTS - Re-cut & Part Tracking  

The ability to scan a part at any station, report it as damaged to notify the Office & CNC stations for a rework request. Reports and alerts of missing or damaged parts are created and distributed automatically. This can highlight a stage of production that may require some attention if too many reworks are continually required.

TIME KEEPING - Allocation of time to tasks

Web based time keeping that allows you to track allocated labor per task & station.

This information can be updated for labor time estimate verses actual to ensure high accuracy for Job Costing & Quoting Systems.

Time keeping.JPG

Import and display the Nested Sheets from CAD-CAM system for the CNC Machinist to follow, Each Part will change from Blue to Green when a Part has been cut, to orange when a part is damaged and also track the cutting of parts through Part Simulation.

Added to this, Part Label Printing can be achieved without the need for third party label printing applications. Grouping material or part type for next production stage can also be achieved through Part Identification Tags.

Part SORTING - Reduce double handling of parts 

A single barcode scan allows a user to organize parts by assembly in allocated trolley or fixed rack and provides feedback for missing items. The Assembly station is notified of the next products ready to assemble. Sorting can be synchronized with other sorting stations: cabinet parts, doors/drawer fronts, drawer boxes, base assemblies, etc.


Compatible with:

  • Mobile Cart

    • Wait until all parts of a project are sorted into 1, 2 or 3 mobile carts before being sent to assembly

      • More Space Required

  • Fixed Rack

    • Put in/Pull Out

    • Continuous Monitoring

      • Takes up less space.

Smart ASSEMBLY Instructions

Scan any part barcode that you remove from the sorting rack or trolley to provide you with the information & instructions to begin the assembly of that product. See part details and part position with the assembly as well as what hardware is required.

This eliminates the need to refer to printed static production drawings. This system also provides useful communication tools that allows you to communicate with the office and the various stages of production without having to leave the assembly bench.

Assembly Interface
Bundles & Kits - Pre Delivery Organization

The ability to group and wrap numerous parts together to create a bundle / kit that makes it simple for dispatch & delivery. We can print a label with unique barcode that includes the various items that make up the bundle / kit that could include parts and hardware. This will save time grouping items together, reduce damage to potential loose items and increase the speed and accuracy of what is loaded on to the truck.

Kit Label.JPG
Kitting Station.JPG
STAGING - Dispatch bays

This can be customized to suit how you organize your dispatch / shipping area prior to loading onto the truck. If you have bays for the cabinets you may also have a fixed rack for the loose parts, bundles/kits that are required for the work order. You can allocate pallets, products and kits into a designated location prior to dispatch making it easy for the truck driver / delivery team to load the correct items.

Staging Interface
SHIPPING - Loading onto the Truck / Van

Ensure that when we are loading items for delivery, that the correct items are loaded on to the truck. This system will provide you peace of mind and highlight a missing item before the truck has left. Ensure that delivery's are accurate 100% of the time. This is a great solution to provide complete transparency with office, factory and Job Site. Generate instant and electronic verification of everything scanned onto the truck.

JOBSITE TRACKING - Delivered & Received

Web application for scanning products and kits off the truck at delivery and/or at installation. With the use of a smart phone, you can scan a barcode that syncs with the company’s network, updating instantly.

Software Integration - CAD/CAM Software

Simple job export from leading CAD/CAM Systems such as CABINET VISION, Microvellum, imos & Mozaik Software.

Once you optimize and generate production files for the CNC, hit the button in your software to transmit the job and we are ready to start production.

Can currently integrate with :

  • ​CABINET VISION Software

  • imos / woodCAD|CAM Software

  • Microvellum Software

  • Mozaik Software

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